
together employees of statistical offices, scientists, other stakeholders of official statistics, and representatives of public institutions. The primary goal of the Congress is to strengthen the multifaceted collaboration of statistical institutions and scientific centres in matters relating to the development of professional and innovative official statistics and in the continuous modernisation of the methodology of statistical research.

The programme of the Congress covers the following thematic areas: mathematical, social,economic and regional statistics, population statistics, Polish and international statistics, the representation method, big data, and data analysis and classification. The participants will discuss the challenges related to collecting, processing and sharing data, especially in the light of the current external circumstances, digitalisation and globalisation. The event will also celebrate the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the Polish Statistical Society. The activity of this organisation, which brings together people interested in the theory and practice of statistical research, has resulted in many undertakings significant both to the development of official statistics and statistics as a field of science.

We are convinced that the Congress will provide an excellent opportunity for a creative exchange of opinions, knowledge and experience. We hope it will produce interesting and stimulating discussions that will inspire further research into the subject and spark new initiatives aimed at achieving the highest possible quality and the widest possible availability of statistical data, as well as enabling their effective us

Abstracts 2022

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